19th April 2013

Launch site


3 cubesats

Main payload



Technical University of Berlin, Technical University of Dresden

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Credit: roscosmos

Mission overview

Soyuz-2 launched successfully out of Baikonur, the world’s first cosmodrome and famous historic site, on the 19th of April 2013 at 10:00 am UTC. The primary payload on this launch was Roscosmos’ Bion-M 1 satellite which carried a biological payload of live animals, plants and other life sciences experiments.

This was the first time Exolaunch procured capacity on a launch vehicle. It was the dawn of the rideshare launches. After this launch, the fragmented small satellite launches started forming into what would become later known as “rideshare launch opportunities”. Exolaunch is extremely proud to have been a pioneer in the New Space industry.

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