space. let us
take you there


Accommodates payloads on a unified structure from cubesats to smallsats up to

500 KG

  • Mega constellations
  • Heavy-class
  • Medium-class
  • Small launchers
Image of EXOtube Image of EXOtube Image of EXOtube Image of EXOtube
  • Image of EXOtube
  • Image of EXOtube
  • Image of EXOtube
  • Image of EXOtube

Universal modular adapter

Introducing the EXOtube universal modular adapter for rideshare missions. This launch vehicle-agnostic payload stack provides maximum flexibility to customers and simplifies mission execution for our launch partners.

EXOtube is an adaptive load-bearing structure for adaptation, integration and launch and deployment of the entire range of smallsats from cubesats to 500 kg microsats.

Full compatibility with our products

EXOtube unites the entire ecosystem of Exolaunch technologies for rideshare missions, offering the most comprehensive and flexible smallsat cluster configurations available on the market.

Image of Carbonix
Image of Quadro
Image of EXOpod
Image of EXOport
Image of EXOtube
Image of EXOtube

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